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Бодя Куценко

Беседка, Украина

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27 ноября 2012 в 10:52

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I love to spend money on themselves and others, chronically require attention to the person, nravittso girls =), self-confident, a kind of son of a bitch, I live day to day, like eating, listening to loud music (and the pile, and someone else) to sleep until it is bad to buy things just do not need me, mouse wheel to the extreme without spaces mat, drinking until the brain turns off, do not wake up in his apartment, but more particularly in his bed, shy, although I savsem not modest, I take what I want a little crazy, a child at heart, doing stupid things and then neigh with them, sing songs without knowing the words, sit and look blankly at the monitor (and offline too), waiting for a miracle, to communicate with strangers, watching the sky, smile, vrednichat and to be intolerable, in short be yourself Saba =)

Мои личные настройки

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Учебные заведения


Беседское учебно-воспитательное объединение, 2001 – 2016


КГАВТ им. Петра Конашевича-Сагайдачного 2013

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

в активном поиске

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

Copy this to my little plus and highlight what you have already done. 1. Love life. 2. Do not sleep all night 3. Go to the sea. 4. From an excess of emotion to embrace human 5. Run away from the huge dog 6. Growing Cactus 7. Buy MP3 player 8. To have two cats 9. Walking in blizzard 10. Get in daylight 11. To lose a friend. 12. Meet and make friends with a man born on the same day that I do. 13. Walking in the rain without an umbrella. 14. Walk alone. 15. Pet tiger 16. With a running start to run into the water. 17. To love the sunset. 18. Stay in solitude for several days 19. Drunk hm))))))) 20. Split screen 21. Offend human 22. Roller-skate all day 23. Jump with a parachute. 24. Talking with a girl (guy) all day. 25. To live with the beloved person 26. Sew your finger to the jacket. 27. Falling into a deep pit. 28. Frightened 29. To give something valuable to someone 30. Chat away on the phone a few hours 31. To love 32. Cease to love 33. Come to hate 34. Lost in the woods 35. Going into an ice fountain and a long time in it splash 36. Sleep in a tent 37. Take the train seven days. 38. Fly on a plane 39. Split dishes 40. Being in a good mood during the day on January 1 41. To kill a mosquito napivshegosya blood 42. Hold in your hands live butterfly 43. Fall asleep to your favorite music 44. Eat potatoes, baked in the fire 45. Spend all day in the sun 46. Search the starry sky and bright stars and constellations 47. Forget about something very important 48. Write sms-kami midnight 49. Spend the last Inet read diaries 50. Sing karaoke 51. Eat chocolate alone 52. The whole day reading 53. To smile through the tears 54. Five times watch from start to finish one movie 55. Said the man in the eye, that "it is time to cease communication" 56. Until pain clap 57. Dance to exhaustion 58. Quit smoking. 59. Creative photography. 60. Build a sand castle 61. Do not sleep at night during a thunderstorm 62. Hating myself, and then fall in love again 63. Seen in the movie stupid mistake 64. Climb a tree 65. To love what is most hated 66. Radically change their lives 67. Find your favorite profession. 68. Winning a dispute 69. Overeat nauseam strawberries 70. Turn on a very large volume of music and listen with delight 71. Cry for three hours 72. No one to talk day because of injury 73. Breaking the nettles with her bare hands 74. Singing a song without music 75. Singing in chorus on stage 76. Call a solo on stage in front of a huge number of people 77. Photograph animal 78. Bake a cake 79. To photograph the sky 80. Beat the wall 81. Play bullshit from another person 82. Go to someone's concert 83. Whole day sit behind a computer 84. Attempt to commit suicide 85. Cut yourself with paper 85. Receive complaints of pain 86. Trying to swim where you kn

Мои интересы

Gym, swimming pool, a cool club, and of course .... charming and pretty girls

Любимые телешоу

Comedy club, KVN, killer night, Destructive League, laughter without rules

Любимые книги


Любимая музыка

Dj Kon, Dj Natasha Rostova, Dj Makar, Tiktonik, Dj Boyko, Dj volna, Dj smesh, anilorak, Dj Bunny, Dj romeo, , Dj Minor, Prom Night, Dj Andrey Balkonsky

Любимые цитаты

"Death is worth living. Love is well worth the wait"

"You can be silent." Can you sing. To stand or run, but still burning. A huge blue whale can not break the chain. Surrender or not, but still burning. Gori, but not burn, or bored with life. Gori, but not brazed . Gowrie to shine ... "

"I believe in pacifism. Good must win. But how shall I live?" How can I live now? "So tired of waiting. So tired of fear. Look out himself, and that means ... Take kerpich and give them back!"

"And alcohol and juice. Sport and rock. Everything in this life would have time"

"Only losing, we start to appreciate it. Only too late, we learn in a hurry. Do not loving, you can let go. But seeing death, learn to live. It's easier not to have. Go to sacrifice everything in order not to lose ever ..."

"To me there are no more passion, so remember: it's better to burn out than to fade away.
Peace, Love, Empathy "

Tomorrow wakes better

Long live our youth, the morning will not wake up at night, find a dick

Smoking and drinking is harmful to die A healthy sorry

Life as a zebra stripe black ass White Band))

Miracles sometimes occur, but on this account for a lot of work

sex na face ....., I thee shit right now, knock .....!

CE scaffold words!

I was not in the circus with 8 years, but I see clowns

Моя жизненная позиция

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