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Страница Тани Богачёвы

Личная фотография Тани Богачёвы

Таня Богачёва

New York City,

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Информация обо мне

Город проживания

New York City








Дата рождения

20 августа

Основная информация

Была онлайн

18 декабря 2011 в 04:03

Устройство с которого заходила


Сейчас онлайн


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I am a girl, that is I - an actress, In me hundred persons and thousand roles. I am a girl that is I am a tsarina, Loved all terrestrial tsars. I am a girl that is I am a slave, salty taste of insults. I am a girl, that is I - desert Which will incinerate you. I am a girl, I am strong necessarily, But know, even if the life – struggle … I is a girl, and I am weak to a pain. I am a girl, and, I mean - destiny. I am a girl. I simply flash of passion. My ideal - patience and work. I am a girl, I - that big happiness Which at all do not protect. I am a girl … And it I am dangerous. Fire and an ice for ever in me one. I am a girl, and, means, I am fine From infancy till an old age gray-haired. I am a girl, and in the world roads Conduct all to me, instead of to any Rome. I am a girl, I selected by the God, Though already punished by it ...

Мои личные настройки

Можно ли оставить запись на стене


Можно ли комментировать записи на стене


Можно ли отправить личное сообщение


Параметры анкеты

Учебные заведения


Nancy Taylor Secretarial High School, 1998 – 2010


New York University 2013
School of Law

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

в активном поиске

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

[In her eyes not to read the monologue of the soul, Hiding behind a smile something again somewhere in a hurry, There are so naive, but wants to appear grown-up, Complex feelings for her game, it's easy. And she was happy, having collected unhappiness in portions And only in contact status uncover emotions. She loves to cry, but did not say that she dreams, On her tears tell only the songs on the pages. She loved the combination of green with black, Her love of gambling can not understand scientists Changes mask sometimes as often What even does not understand what makes eyes. Try to seem self-icicle Although she wants so much to become someone halves Do not look at the clock - is confident that all will have time And runs away, when suddenly becomes warmer.]

Мои интересы

For the Woman in a life the little is necessary:, That in a handbag there were spirits and lipstick, a bracelet and shadows that взuляд was attracting, on a finger in a ring a brilliant present., it is a little orders, What for to be set ?, that for a year of no more than three times to repeat, That coffee in bed with круасаном crackling, Love as at cinema, only that present., To work that with an hour, in fact in the morning so it is slept, And in two houses that on a course to stint, In fact shopping at women is useful immensely, system central, the moments nervous., in an apartment a prosperity, under color of eyes the machine, But the main thing clever worthy the man., which the Ring with a brilliant will present lipstick and to a shadow, has kneelt., will drive the machine, will arrange an apartment, In love odds will give even to Richard Gere., and if such still there is no on light, let though the bouquet will present tulips, And all rest man's hands, Quietly will complete women!, my life... I live for the sake of interest.....

Любимые телешоу

TV destroys brain

Любимые книги

not read

Любимая музыка

Actually it is a lot of it...... I listen to absolutely different music.... But most of all it is pleasant to me.... Club and romantic..... That will throw off that and I shall listen.... But only except for heavy music.... Pussycat Dolls, Ciara, Enrique Iglessias, Alexa, Timati, DMX, Inna))

Любимые цитаты

Мне ведь правда ничего от тебя не нужно.просто знать,что иногда ты думаешь обо мне.
один комент к фотке,одно"привет"в сообщении,одна улыбка при встрече.
и я буду счастлива.(с)

Моя жизненная позиция

Полит. предпочтения



˙·●•٠·˙ No boys No problems˙·●•٠·˙

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