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Эмма Уотсон

34 года, США

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Дата рождения

19 апреля 1990

Полных лет

34 года

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Была онлайн

23 декабря 2011 в 16:12

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Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson gave birth on April, 15, 1990 in Oxford. Emma Uotson conducted the first five years of the life in France, before again to go to England. Parents of Emma Uotson are Zhaklin and Kris Uotsony – both the lawyers, now they in a divorce. Emma was their first child, and they named daughter after the good familiar. Already from three years it wanted to play in a theater, and in seven years Emma Uotson conquered the first «actor» bonus is a prize for reading of verses on the school competition of readers. In school theater it played a wicked sorceress Morgan in the musical raising «Youth of Arthur» («Arthur: The Young Years»), Swallow in a theatrical «Swallow and prince» («The Swallow and The Prince»), wicked cook in «Alice in wonderland», and also one of leading roles in «Little Prince». Yet Emma Uotson often got dressed on Khellouin in the suit of witch, unaware, that once it will become the real witch! However, it also never disbelieved in magic. «When someone talks «magic», to me there is a white rabbit which is taken out from a hat. I am not superstitious. And read horoscopes only for merriment.» And all the same, once nothing magic happened with it. Emma Uotson was only ten years ago, when the leader of dramkruzhka from its school offered to it to take part in tests to the film «Harry Potter and Philosophical Stone» along with many its friends and class-mates. Emma firstly did not behave to it in earnest, but when it was invited on the second round of tests, its relation changed sharply, although there is a white rabbit which is taken out from a hat. I am not superstitious. And read horoscopes only for merriment.» And all the same, once nothing magic happened with it. Emma Uotson was only ten years ago, when the leader of dramkruzhka from its school offered to it to take part in tests to the film «Harry Potter and Philosophical Stone» along with many its friends and class-mates. Emma firstly did not behave to it in earnest, but when it was invited on the second round of tests, its relation changed sharply, although Emma Uotson did not expect to the last, that would be able to get the role of Germiony which hundreds of girls applied on. It asserts that since it was taken off in films about Harry Pottere, its life did not especially change: «Naturally, I am known on streets, and I convey more than time outside at home. Yet from me did a doll. Except for it, all so normally, as far as possibly.» But, seems, Emma Uotson slightly is cunning on this theme. All the same, it realizes perfectly, that became a celebrity. And most remarkable in that you are a celebrity, from point of Emma Uotson, that «. it is possible to go for steep premieres and put indeed steep dresses on». In general, as for any normal girl, beautiful clothes are one of main fascinations of young actress. It even thinks about that, to become the designer of clothes. For «Pottera» Emma Uotson had a bit to change the exterior – in life it is a blonde, so that for surveys it had to dye hairs in more dark color, and to the hairdresser it was necessary handsomely to «conjure» with its hair-do. And poschegolyat' on the screen it did not succeed in beautiful clothes – in fact Germiona is almost always dressed in a school form and mantle. True, Emma Uotson compensated it that, getting a fee after «Harry Pottera and Philosophical stone», arranged a large hike on shops after clothes. A celebrity is a public person. Emma Uotson quickly learned to socialize with journalists. Once it declared them, that easily it to go for press-conferences, devoted Harry Potteru, because there all time set the same questions: «On it is necessary to think of nothing new, you simply stand and as an eating plate repeat the same.».×òî touches public, Emma Uotson dislikes that at times on it «stared, as though you are a zoon in a zoo, but not man which have the senses.» In addition, appeared, that constantly to distribute autographs is hard work. But relation its near to it did not change: «I am very thankful my friends for that they Em

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Семейное положение и семья

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Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

Образцы для подражания: Джулия Робертс, Голди Хаун, Сандра Бэллок, Джон Клиз. Когда в первый раз увидела Америку своими глазами: Когда поехала на премьеру фильма "Гарри Поттер и Филосовский камень" в Нью-Йорк.

Любимые книги

Хорошие книги (но не любимые!): Городская Тюрьма Фантома (The Phantom Tollbooth), Захваченный замок (Captured Castle) и Чарли и Гиганский Персик (James and the Giant Peach).

Любимая музыка

Брайн Адамс, Dido, Саманта Мамба, Сюзанна Вега и: "Наслаждаюсь всеми новинками по радио." ("I enjoy all the latest stuff on the radio.")

Любимые цитаты

Любимая фраза в фильме:
"Я иду спать, прежде чем вы придумаете ещё какую-нибудь умную идею, чтобы нас убили или ещё хуже - отчислили!" ("I'm going to bed, before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed - or worse expelled!")

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