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Страница Sasha Angeles

Личная фотография Sasha Angeles

Sasha Angeles

40 лет,
Статус: Live, Laugh, Love... Life is beautiful! :)

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Информация обо мне







Дата рождения

28 июня 1984

Полных лет

40 лет

Основная информация

Была онлайн

10 июля 2015 в 09:26

Устройство с которого заходила


Сейчас онлайн


Ид анкеты



I like baking cakes and pastries (that's what I do for a living). I enjoy decorating and designing cakes cos it brings out the creativity and artistry in me. I also like to cook and get busy in the kitchen. I enjoy good foods and try different cuisines. I like jogging in the morning and play basketball. Though I'm not tall, I can say I'm pretty good at it. It has been my sports since I was a little. I also like skating and rappelling. I love watching sports whether it's basketball, volleyball, football or tennis... I like listening to good music. I enjoy songs of the 90s. I like to dance and get lost with the music once in a while. Lol ;) I enjoy playing with my dogs. I have two pomeranians and they are my stress reliever. I like to travel and see the world. Try new things, meet different people, know other cultures, have fun and make a memorable experience that I will treasure for the rest of my life. 

Мои личные настройки

Можно ли оставить запись на стене


Можно ли комментировать записи на стене


Можно ли отправить личное сообщение


Параметры анкеты







Учебные заведения


CEU 2003
College of Medical Technology
Lyceum Northwestern University (LNWU) 2010
College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

не замужем

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

I'm a very simple, friendly and passionate person. I am a Filipino. I don't speak Russian or any other foreign language. But I really believe that language barriers only hinder verbal communication, not connection. I'm a good listener. I know everyone has a story or stories that is worth hearing. I hate rude and fake people. You give me respect, you'll get respect. I am a family oriented person. Being a Filipino, we value the culture of having a close family ties. I'm a kindhearted person. Sweet, caring, thoughtful and sincere. Trust, honesty and respect are very important for me. I don't give my trust that easy, but once you've proven yourself to me and once I welcomed you in my life, I'll give you all the love in the world. I am a very loyal person. I hate cheaters and liars. They say I'm a little old fashioned when it comes to love but I really don't care. I value having a good, honest and strong relationship that will last.

Мои интересы

Pastries, desserts, coffee, movies, music, sports, dogs and perfumes

Любимые телешоу

The Walking Dead, Cake Boss, Kitchen Boss, Next Great Baker and DC Cupcakes

Любимая музыка

RnB, Soul, Pop, Rock, Jazz, Country, Rock and Acoustic

Моя жизненная позиция

Полит. предпочтения


Главное в жизни

Семья и дети

Главное в людях

Доброта и честность

Отношение к курению

Резко негативное

Отношение к алкоголю




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