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Страница Oliviya Vayt

Личная фотография Oliviya Vayt

Oliviya Vayt

26 лет, США

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Дата рождения

8 октября 1997

Полных лет

26 лет

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Была онлайн

02 сентября 2012 в 07:43

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Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

Born in Florida in the home of the famous photographer Tamara Thorne. Also, Bella has two older sisters (Danny and Kylie) and older brother, Rami. As a six-week baby, Bella shot for the catalog «Parents Magazine», where to begin her career model. Several years later, Bell started acting in movies and TV shows (for the moment with Bella came out 19 pictures). She recently moved to California and launched his dream of filming career. Thorne starred in the feature film «Stuck on You» as fans on the sideline playing field when playing football. Bella Thorne is also expected to show films «Finishing the Game», «The I Scream Man» and «Forget Me Not». She also has had two appearances in the TV show parody «Jimmy Kimmel Live!». In addition, she starred in an episode of «I Wanna Be Sedated» TV series "Entourage," in an episode of "The OC" in the role of a young Taylor Townsend, in five episodes of the television series "Dirty Sexy Money" and more recently in an episode of the television series «October Road» . Bella Thorne was also the performer of the role of Sissy Jones in the TV series "Dance Fever". Thorn - a star of television advertising DLP. The advertising slogan used in the ads, it sounds like "it is - surprisingly, it is - a mirror." She also appeared in several print and magazine ads. Some, for which she was a model, promote Barbie, children's footwear brand «ALDO K! DS», products under the brand name «JLO by Jennifer Lopez», Lasenza Girl, brands Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, «Guess?» And Target Corporation. Her voice was used for the video game adaptation of "The Ant Bally." Currently she is the sponsor of a child Lydia Kanini Kiio Kibvezi in Kenya, as well as the organization called Nomad, which helps in providing education, food and medical supplies for underprivileged children in Africa. Her older brother, Ramey (born December 22, 1995) and older sister Kylie (born February 19, 1992) and Danny (b. 1993) is also engaged in the business. She has pets: Spock and Eyris (two cats), Cocker Spaniel, and Pyro Wolf Wood. In addition to filming, Bella loves scuba diving, dancing and drawing. Thorne has also appeared with Taylor Lautner, and Christian Slater in the television show "My personal enemy" out there playing Ruth Spice.

Моя жизненная позиция

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