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Edgar Armenoids (fun club)

112 лет, Ереван, Армения
Статус: ПРИГЛАШАЮ ВСЕХ В ГРУППУ "The Armenoids" Project http://vkontakte.ru/club26354731

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Armenoids (fun club)



Дата рождения

17 декабря 1911

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112 лет

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12 октября 2011 в 20:18

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Немного о себе

REMEMBER THE FUTURE “The Armenoids”: The Project Anchored in the international musical technique, the melodic sound of “The Armenoids” Project bears the formula of global tunes that are based on the popular musical movements. The compositions of the Project are intended for a large cross section of the people, regardless of their national belonging. The performances by “The Armenoids” are more suitable for spacious venues—stadiums, squares, concert halls, etc. The shows of the Project attest to the fact that these events bring together people of different races and mindset, who, while hearing their national music, also get familiarized with the songs of other ethnicities. “The Armenoids” firmly believes that the people, irrespective of their national identity, can discover a common source of interest, pleasure, and vision. And this comes to prove that the conflicts and wars are not really amongst the ordinary people, but, instead, they are the consequence of erroneous political agendas. “The Armenoids” is a project that represents the union between the musical variety of different nationalities and the Armenian art of song. The objective of the Project is to present, to the Armenians and other nationalities alike, the diverse mentality of the countries possessing new musical techniques and how beautifully they can blend, hence creating a single compositional collage yet maintaining an individual style. “The Armenoids” makes use of the popular musical movements dating back to the 1980s until the present-day. This includes the Freestyle Music—also known as Latin Hip Hop—Miami Bass, the Breakdance tunes, and numerous branches of the European Trance music. Subsequently, Hip Hop as well as the characteristic Armenian and Middle Eastern music, too, is incorporated into all this. Following the common rendition of these movements, and their synthesis with the national melodies, “The Armenoids” describes this musical style as “Progressive Folk.” Originating from the musical techniques that affect a considerable portion of the public, the sound of “The Armenoids” Project is for all age groups. And this is due to the powerful beats, the mystical tune, the electronic effects, and the motto that unites them all: “Glocal Future.”

Любимые цитаты

“The Armenoids” Project stands as a “processor” of the universal popular music, and it is based on this processor that a “manual” of today’s global popular music is designed. This “design work” is carried out by way of factoring in the differences and similarities among the world’s civilizations and integrating the best musical technologies of each and every civilization.

In terms of its classic musical genre, the sound of “The Armenoids” Project is typified as Progressive Folk. Ever since 2004, however, the Project’s creations have become so well-liked model compositions for the modern popular music standards that, in tribute to the Project, its musical style has become a trademark category.

“The Armenoids” is the reality’s mirror into the past and the future, together with many shades, and their crossroads is the popular music “clock.” One hand of this clock embodies the past, whereas the other hand represents the long-standing cultural content and the modern technologies.

“The Armenoids” Project’s debut album Glocal was a synchronization of the global and local ideologies. So, considering the centuries-old history of the civilizations and the challenge of preserving the common global values, we face two contrasting poles where, no matter how enticing the new local technologies may be, each nation continues to preserve its identity and tradition, and, thus, putting into effect the well-established ethnic formula: “All are different yet equal.”

“The Armenoids”

“The Armenoids” is also a project in which the road to ethnic content is clearly indicated, and this road leads toward the historical and cultural values, but irrespective of national belonging and belief.

Since 2004, “The Armenoids” Project became the two-time winner in the “Best Group” category at the national music awards ceremonies, which were held in Armenia and the United States. In addition, the Project received the “Viewers’ Choice” and the “Best Musical Arrangement” awards. “The Armenoids” has performed on numerous stages in Armenia, Nagorno (Mountainous) Karabagh, the United States, and Syria, Lebanon. PLUS WINEER IN BEST INTERNATIONAL NEW WAVE PROJECT In Big Apple music Awards NNY And .BEST VIDEO ON AMA > AND HIT of the Year 2009 Armenia

Ever since 2008, “The Armenoids” Project also has ventured into the music production sector, and now it introduces, to the music market, new ethno-classical, Hip Hop, and electronic music artists. And the vivid illustration of the Project’s such production activities is its teamwork with well-known C-ROUGE from Lebanon.

The contributors to “The Armenoids” Project include professional sound makers, vocalists, Virtual Studio Technology (VST) specialists, and a producer who creates the Project’s mystical sound.

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