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Yui Ivanova

New York City, США

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25 декабря

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11 июля 2020 в 10:25

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Список из 87 профилей друзей

Hyungseo Kim
の花 月空
Komori Yui
Flameheart Yui
Wayward Angarem
Scarlet Erza
Комори Юи
Лис Томоэ
Тян Алина
Karter Renata
Evergarden Violet
Дарова Кира
Соколов Валентин
Sakamaki Raito
マーキュリー ネジ
King Cringe
Сергеевич Сергей
Накахара Чуя
Alexius Titus
Сакамаки Райто
微雨 墨宗师
'minato 'yukina
ミラノフ マキシム・
Mukami Ruki
Филонов Гоша
Сакамаки Рейджи
Mikage Tomoe
Komòri Yùichi
Филатов Данил
العم بسيطة
Grande Ariana
Săilentsflower Yuma
Mikage Tomoe
Hyakuya Mikaela
Швец Никита
'easter Canaria
Κоролева Наталья
'dupain-'cheng 'marinette
Sakamaki Ayato
Kuriyama Mirai
Вомит Лика
Razengraffe Anna
Сакамаки Райто
Тарасова Тамара
Осаму Дазай
Розевальд Максим
Рябов Алексей
'sadist 'fucking
Danvers Kara
Bathory Ferid
Sakamaki Ayato
'jeon'-Xxxx 'jungkook'
'two 'zero
Blossom Cheryl
Сахарова Алёна
Пастернак Виктор
Фетисова Валя
Боева Вероника
Nakahara Chuya
Регнар Веледара
Дронова Милена
Muñoz Ander
Nakahara Chuuya
Сакамаки Рейджи
Devıantumdıonysus Wıscruıteseux
Nı Owıko
'hiiragi 'mahiru
Иванова Карина
Фурева Дарина
'iguro 'obanai
Traya Darth
Mei Lyne
Don't'cry Skadi
Dazai Osamu
Будник Эрик
Ubuyashiki Kanata
The-Great-Fly Beelzebub
Felmier Epel
Sakamaki Reiji
Макаров Саша

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Немного о себе

Full name Yui Ivanova English translation Yui Ivanova Japanese writing 小森ユイ [Komori Yui] Nicknames or aliases The main character / Proxy Bitch (Bitti-tyan, from Lito) Flat-chested (Chichinashi, from Ayato) Cattle (kachiku, by Hand) Maso-Kisa (M-neko-tyan, from kou) Sow (Mesubuta, from Yuma) Eva (from Karlheinz, Azusa, Ruki, Kino and others) Ethnos A man with the heart of a demon Race Human? Purity of blood Mixed (the heart of the half-blood progenitor) Age 17 years old Status Alive Anthropometric data field  Female Growth 158 cm Weight 45 kg Blood group O (first) Eye color Pomegranate Hair color Blond Professional statisticsdialog A second-year student at the prestigious Retey high school Accessory Komori Personal information, Relatives Seiji Komori (foster father) Hobbies and interests Cooking Favorite food Strawberry chocolate Yui Komori is a simple girl sent to live in the Sakamaki mansion. Previously, she lived with her foster father, a priest, but after his departure, she was forced to live with the vampire brothers. As it turned out later, Yui was only a victim from the Church. It contains the heart of Cordelia, the mother of Ayato, Kanato and Raito, so Yui herself can be called a" dormant " vampire, although the girl herself does not know about it. The appearance and character of A girl of delicate appearance with eyes of a pale garnet hue and with fair hair and white tips of medium length, which Yui fixes with a pin in the form of several flowers. She tries to follow the fashion and wears clothes that are chosen with taste. Her casual outfit consists of a black t-shirt worn under a pink sweater that shows off her shoulders, flared shorts and boots. The school uniform of the girl is presented in the form of a black blazer with a lace collar and a maroon bow on the chest, a black blouse, stockings and shoes. Shin also mentions that Yui wears particularly unattractive children's underwear with patterns. Her entire body is covered with scars and marks from the bites of mocking vampires.

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