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cious vampires". Energized person can from anything - it could be trees, rocks, you can increase your energy doing special exercises, doing a favorite thing, but the easiest way to fill in the missing energy - taking it from others. So, for example, "unconscious energy vampire" without knowing it myself "glued" to the first thing at hand. Typically, energy vampires taken away from people with an average energy, as nourishing from a man who has very strong energy rather than just, there must be approached with knowledge. A lot of "unconscious vampires" among people who like to quarreling. They cause a partner at the powerful emotions at the time of the scandal fueled his energy, then tolerated, and some time for all good and everyone is happy. Once the vampire feels a lack of energy, he has stuck close person to the scandal, etc.. Energy vampires are usually restless people, they love the controversy, are trying to cause a person's emotions, causing resentment in man: Behold, they say, you do not appreciate, you wipe your feet on you, you deserve more, etc.. Preferably with people not to get involved in the emotional debate, if you notice that communication with that person always runs on the same circuit - you are trying to stir the emotions, try to avoid this person. If you have to talk about work or a person close to not give your power away to him during intercourse slowly compresses and decompresses the fists, breathing quietly, read a prayer to himself or the multiplication table, detract from the conversation - this will help to control emotions. Closed wear pastel colors and decorations made of natural stones also help save energy. If you know that your energy is weak, wearing amulets or talismans. There among the "unconscious vampires" and rather quiet type of people they do not like a fuss, but love to complain about the fate and talk about their sores. This type of vampire causes strong emotions in a different way - through your sympathy. Therefore, if your environment is a man who always "breaks" to pity, try to stay in communion with him emotionally closed and calm, compassion, but do not take their problems to heart.

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I do not like talking about myself Some people ask me this question: You think new sex-simvolom.Dovolno flatering,is not it? -Actually it is all very stranno.Odno time I always sait that he wanted to meet with a girl-even une one invited to a meeting! I-sex-symbol for shestanadtsatih for teenagers, but I am none the better. The legend of vampires In the medieval chronicles often stories about the dead, whose bodies were preserved incorrupt throughout the centuries. Pale-pink skin and red lips showed that the bodies are not subjected to mummification. Opinions were divided: Some believed that the incorruptible body is given only to the saints, while others suspected non-biodegradable dead in vampirism. Homeland Dracula. Legends about vampires has existed for many centuries, and the most famous among them is the famous Count Dracula. Historian Bob Curran has put forward the version that was not the birthplace of Count of Transylvania, and Ireland. According to researcher, Bram Stoker wrote his novel "Dracula" with stories that took place in County Derry in the V century. According to legend, the Irish king Abartah Blood was ferocious dwarf. His subjects feared him so much that did not dare to kill him, because he was firmly entrenched the glory of the great sorcerer. Then they went to pay homage to another king - Catania, pleading to save them from the tyrant. Katan himself disliked Abartaha, so people took the request to heart. Abartaha buried, as was the standing. According to their instructions, Katan Abartaha stake pierced the heart of the yew trees, reburied the body upside down, and around the graves scattered prickles. Then the grave of the dwarf rolled a huge stone slab. Only that will allow local residents to breathe easy.

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Vampires and werewolves among us! Chronicle Research For a long time, all information about vampires and werewolves, vampire was completely secret. Until now, we do not know where the files are stored state commissions responsible for the investigation of particularly important cases. When the declassified? Who first take the liberty to highlight the real events? A lot of questions. Count on "manna", which suddenly drop from the Supreme layers on our sinful heads, we can not. Do not wait. So Let us investigate themselves. As published today in the open press? Several low-cost booklets, written by the charlatans and graphomania, domestic and foreign. This garbage dismissing immediately. And remember, we are counting on the reader's serious and thoughtful. Washed old clothes gossip and rumors, concocted on the kitchen level, we will not. There are a few good words are not worth mentioning the objects of our research in scientific and popular literature - and all with the Marxist-Leninist positions. This is all the more will not do. Although some of the theorists and practitioners referred flows at night is better not to remember. What else? A short article in the encyclopedia "Myths of the peoples of the world." Let it completely: Vampire in the lower mythology of peoples of Europe dead, at night, rising from the grave and being in the shape of a bat, sucking the blood from sleeping people, sending nightmares. Vampires became the "unclean" dead - criminals who committed suicide, died a premature death and the dead from the bites of vampires. It was believed that their bodies did not decompose in their graves, and stop their evil deeds can be, by driving into the body of a vampire aspen stake, beheaded him, and so n. Charms against vampires served as garlic, iron, bells, etc. In Slavic mythology - ghoul. " Very few. Virtually no information. Yet give brief article from the encyclopedia devoted to vampire. So: "Ghoul, in Slavic mythology, the dead, attacking people and animals, an image borrowed vampire nations of Western Europe the Slavs (see Vampire). According to ancient Russian sermonizing against pagans, those put require (the offering), vampires and Bereginja before they began to worship Perun. According to the latter-day legends, vampires after death becomes a man, born of evil forces or damaged by it (the child-vampire can be recognized by double rows of teeth), who died, over the coffin of which jumped a black cat (the devil), more often - polluted ( "zalozhny) dead, a suicide bomber, who died an unnatural death, especially sorcerer. At night the vampire rises from the grave and in the form of blood in a corpse or zoomorphic creature is killing people and animals, sometimes sucks the blood, after which the victim dies, and she could become vampires, known beliefs of entire villages of vampires. " Sparsely. Although encouraged by the recognition of Soviet scientists (they have such an extremely rare case) that the peoples of Western Europe we have something after all borrowed, and then - only we, say, around the world begging. But - to the point. In pre-revolutionary scientists, researchers, materials significantly more than the current "Marxist theorists and Marxists practitioners (other categories in our country with very few exceptions, not even the most notorious current" Democrats, Progressives "grew up in the bowels of orthodox MarxismThemselves to strengthen and wallow in it forever, no matter what slogans they are now or advanced), this material is much heavier, more qualitatively. Meanwhile vampirologiya as a separate discipline, in RUSSIA did not exist - for the titans of thought and spirit of the XVIII-XIX centuries the subject was still too small. We will introduce you to the basic researches pre-revolutionary Russian science in the field vampirologii in future releases. Now try to better define the object of our search. To do this, get rid of superstitions materialist worldview and attempt to own (no other way)

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world of spirits, knowing that Taha Aki would return to his body. Thus, his plans for conquest was not feasible, he had to be content with only the rule in the tribe. He became a burden to his tribe - acquiring privileges, which are never asked Taha Aki, refused to work along with his soldiers, took a second young wife, and then a third, despite the fact that Taha Aki's wife was alive, and it was unheard of for tribe. Taha Aki watched this with impotent fury. Eventually, Taha Aki decided to kill his body to save the tribe from escapades Utlapy. He called the ferocious wolf, but Utlapa hid behind their soldiers. When the wolf killed a young man who defended the fake leader, Taha Aki terribly grieved. He ordered the wolf away. History tells us that is not easy to be a warrior spirit. Exemption from his body terribly, though exciting. So they used their magic only in extreme cases. Lonely wandering leader exhausting and, gradually, killed his spirit. Stay out of his body disoriented, it was frightening and uncomfortable. Taha Aki exist without a body for a long time and suffered terrible torments. Stuck in this awful nothingness forever, he felt that he was doomed never to cross the limits of distant lands, where his ancestors had been waiting for. Big wolf followed the suffering spirit Taha Aki. Wolf was huge, even for his tribe, and beautiful. Taha Aki suddenly envied silent animal. He, at least, is the body. Is life. Even the animal's life would be much better than this empty, terrible existence. Then he was visited by an idea that changed us all. He asked the great wolf to share with him a place in itself. The wolf complied. Taha Aki entered the body of a wolf with relief and gratitude. It was not his body, but it is still better than the emptiness of the spirit world. As a whole, the man and the wolf returned to the settlement at the harbor. People fled in terror, calling on the help of soldiers. Warriors with spears rushed to meet the wolf. Utlapa, of course, safely escape. Taha Aki did not attack on its soldiers. He slowly backed away from them, expressive look and tried to howl a song of his people. The soldiers began to realize that the wolf, this is not an ordinary animal, that it is influenced by the spirit. One old soldier, whose name was Wm, decided to violate the ban, the leader of the pretender and try to talk to a wolf. Once crossed the threshold VT of the spirit world, Taha Aki left the wolf obediently waited for his return, and talked with the soldier. Ut instantly knew the truth, and rejoiced the return of a true leader. At this time, Utlapa came to see him win a war wolf. When he saw the lifeless lying on the ground Uta, surrounded by protecting his soldiers, he realized what had happened. He pulled out his knife and lunged forward, kill Uta before he returns to his body. - The traitor - he cried. The soldiers were in disarray. The leader of a ban on travel to the world of spirits. Privilegia leader was to decide how to punish those who disobeyed his orders. Ut returned to my body, but Utlapa held a knife to his throat and covered his mouth with his hand. The body of Taha Aki was strong, and VT already weak from old age. VT could not utter a word of warning before Utlapa made him silenced forever. Taha Aki saw the spirit of Uta traveled the distance, the last refuge, the place is now permanently closed to Taha Aki. He felt a great rage, such a force he had never felt before. Returned to the body of a large wolf, wanting to break the throat Utlape. But as soon as he mingled with the wolf, there was a great magic. Anger Taha Aki was angry person. Love he felt for his people and hatred of their oppressors, was too large for the body of the wolf, it was all too human feeling. The body of the wolf trembled, and directly in front of astonished soldiers and Utlapy he became a man. The new man was not like the body of Taha Aki. He was much more majestic, was the physical embodiment of the spirit of the leader. Warriors instantly recognized him as previously traveled with the spirit of Taha Aki. Utlap

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- I know who you are, you're a vampire. - Are you afraid? - No ... Dusk. The best time of day and very quiet. Although very sad, because it means the end of the day and the approach of night. Bargain is a bargain, even if the deal struck with his own conscience Nothing prevented us from sleeping at night, as the unsolved mystery The girls also like to save the world! Death - it is quiet, easy life harder ... It is impossible to remember, impossible to forget - this is my cross Heavenly pleasure in the middle of hell. Love - is wealth that you can have only when all your enemies killed. Until then, every one you love - the hostage, weakening your courage and appealing sobriety your mind When the most cherished dreams come true, we should expect that sooner or later the fate produces writing by

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God knows why they are called vampires, but I can assure you that they are Russian name: Vampire, but because they are purely Slavic origin, though found throughout Europe and even in Asia, and wrongly followed behalf of, affected by Hungarian monks who had thought to turn over all the Latin tune, and made a vampire a vampire. "(A. Tolstoy "Ghoul") What are energy vampires? First of all - they are people, ordinary people who are unlikely to frighten the daylight, the smell of garlic and holy water. Experts believe that the energy vampires can be divided into two categories: First - consciously pick up the psychic energy of people, the second - not even aware of their disease. People suffering from unconscious vampires are called "sappers, " their energy field is closed, and so they have to "steal" energy from other people. "But you ask, how to recognize vampires? Note just how they met each other, click the language. This is not really clicking, and a sound similar to the one which produces his lips when sucking an orange. It's their symbol, and so they mutually recognize and welcome. " Vampirism, according to experts, can manifest itself in a small child. Cruelty to animals, consumer attitude to family members, lack of desire to spiritually evolve - the first signs by which one can determine the energy vampire. It is possible that a child is happening at a subconscious level, but if people with age does not try to change themselves or the external conditions do not allow this - he becomes conscious energy vampire. A typical example of energy vampirism - quarrel. Typically, her assailant was a vampire, which for a spiritual recharge to get you out of yourself. Provoke an argument could not only you knew people, but ordinary woman in a subway, you accidentally touched his elbow, or which first came to you on foot. Revnivtsev can also be attributed to the tribe of energy vampires - they are callous, suspicious and distrustful. These people either act as the aggressor and then provoke a partner in the quarrel, or as a person aggrieved lives. Head-vampires are afraid of all subordinate. The bosses used to pick up the energy (and that they have good at) during production assembly and pyatiminutok, they can easily offend present employees, improve the tone and not shy in terms. If you think that in a civilized society such executives have not yet in sight, then blindly err. They were and are always, only changed their tactics pumping your energy. These people can, without raising his voice, to bring the employee to a state similar to the faint light and get the desired result - to recharge your energy balance at the expense of yours. Finally, all the spectators a man with a fondness to be witnesses to accidents, disasters - also vampires. Someone who, but they know very: Energy of accidents for a long time swirls over the scene, and the terrible misfortune was, the longer it hovers there. The stronger the pull to imagine their "customers" ... How does this happen? 1-st way - energy vampire provokes you to quarrel. Even if a person is different Nordic warehouse character, the vampire will do everything possible to bring him out of himself. And then - word for word, and .. starts pumping your energy. In "active" or "sun" through the hands of vampires have purple or deep red. 2-nd way - energy vampire begins to complain about you to your destiny, trying to evoke in you sympathy and understanding, thus blaming their problems on your shoulders. Or frankly begins to flatter you, to seize your attention and relax the best you. In "passive" or "lunar" vampire-bore through the hands of yellow or brownish. With energy vampirism, I encountered the first time, hitting to the same dressmaker, which is already in the doorway began to talk about their gynecologic and financial problems. From her I literally crawled away, completely devastated and weak. Yawning, fatigue, discomfort, ill health, loss of conscious

Любимые цитаты

Repartery nachili I ask
What kind of girl you are attracted to:
I do not care Blonde or brnetka. The main thing that it was a good madness.

Vampirism - blood disorder.

Recently in vampires, new circumstances. Doctors say that the legends are without real foundation and vampirism - a consequence of blood diseases. For example, the manifestation of a rare disease called porphyria, in which disrupted the reproduction of some proteins of hemoglobin. Non-protein part of the same becomes toxic and begins to erode subcutaneous tissue the patient. Other symptoms of porphyria, such as photophobia, deposition of porphyrin on the teeth, from which they become red-brown, the increased activity at night, closer to the patients appearance of vampires.

Lack of red blood cells in the blood and iron, makes these people supersensitive to sunlight: Even a short stay in direct sunlight turns them severe burns. Due to changes in blood counts affected the endocrine system, which, in turn, leads to a change in the exterior of patients: Skin becomes pale, his hair reminds pet hair, nails become an unusual color and texture.

To complete the picture of porphyria patients could not eat garlic, because the sulfonic acid found in garlic, increases damage of subcutaneous tissue. This is a terrible disease could be caused by artificial means, with the help of some poisons. It was thought that Porfiry was especially prevalent in Transylvania, where marriages were closely related. But does this mean that people with unhealthy blood certainly feels an irresistible urge to suck the blood of other people in order to improve their own? Known that drinking raw blood is not so good for your health. Blood is calories due to the high content of protein and iron, while it is difficult to split the pancreas and in the raw form is very harmful to the kidneys. This means that the patient blood disease may improve their blood regularly eating someone else's.

Würzburg vampire.

Are there any known history of the real vampires? In 30-ies of XIX century in the Bavarian town of Wurzburg occurred following story. Dr. Henry Shpatts shortly before the Napoleonic wars, he graduated from the University of Prague and joined the Austrian army military doctor. In 1818 he settled in Würzburg and his young wife.

The doctor was a wealthy man, led an active social life, and soon became one of the most fashionable of doctors in the city. He was engaged in charity, worked in the hospital for the poor, has written several notable works on military surgery and the treatment of certain infectious diseases. However, in 1831 Henry Shpatts unexpectedly sold his property and went to the Czech Republic at the invitation of the Prague University. A month after his departure in a Würzburg police approached by the two young medic, former assistant to Dr. Shpattsa, who claimed that the couple were Shpatts ... Vampires!

This could be perceived as a silly joke, but young people pointed to the disappearance of a certain Joachim Faber. Retired soldier, one-armed person with disabilities, Faber served as a greeter in the hospital for the poor, where he worked as doctor Shpatts. And indeed he had disappeared a year before the events described. Police conducted a search in the former mansion of the doctor, and discovered in the basement of the remains of at least 18 people! Ibid skeleton was found without a hand with traces of surgical amputation. These bones forensic physicians identified as the remains of the missing Joachim Faber. Identify the other skeletons could not - they were buried naked. Then, many remembered that the doctor Shpatts often undertook to arrange the fate of his poor patients, as a rule, poor beggars. Remembered, and other oddities in the life of the doctor: Despite the fact that the mansion Shpattsa was very large, but absolutely all the servants were coming. None
Vampires - legends and incident

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