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Страница Selena Gomez

Личная фотография Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez

31 год, Los Angeles, США

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Информация обо мне

Страна проживания


Город проживания

Los Angeles







Дата рождения

22 июля 1992

Полных лет

31 год

Основная информация

Была онлайн

05 марта 2011 в 17:37

Устройство с которого заходила


Сейчас онлайн


Ид анкеты



I am a singer and actress

Мои личные настройки

Можно ли оставить запись на стене


Можно ли комментировать записи на стене


Можно ли отправить личное сообщение


Параметры анкеты

















Список из 118 профилей друзей

Гребнев Евгений
Солина Дарья
Kelso Lena
Марченко Кристина
Беляева Настя
Курий Кристина
Горячкина Виолетта
Зельманович Сергей
Сайрус Майли
Виситаева Карина
Версаев Дима
Максимова Надя
Авдеев Саша
Kan Elis
Зайцев Роман
Mccurdy Jeanette
Tisdale Ashley
Тиунова Эльвира
Хорольская Ленка
Кемьпелева Катя
Сиваева Анастасия
Сиваева Анастасия
Bieber Justin
Лавренко Екатерина
Абрамов Свят
Абрамович Вадим
Gomez Julia
Беляев Даниил
Момсен Настя
Задорная Женя
Старшова Алиса
Свон Белла
Давыдова Маша
Данелия Мамука
Джоли Анжелина
Матвеев Никита
Мельникова Даша
Оболенская Анна
Широков Владимир
Паламарчук Егор
Саторов Рустам
Кочетова Настя
Романова Полина
Хартли Белла
Барретт Макс
Лутфуллина Айгуль
Bieber Justin
Парфенюк Марина
Бибер Джастин
Космачева Татьяна
Хлебнов Макс
Gomez Selena
Исаева София
Бибер Джастин
Антипов Антон
Долматов Макс
Бибер Джастин
Danelia Elina
Малинина Яна
Bieber Justin
Цапкин Антон
Долматова Вика
Иванов Андрей
Jonas Joe
Staub Chelsea
Долматов Киря
Строн Егор
Мохитова Тася
Бурова Ксюха
Gomez Selena
Гилберт Таня
Jonas Nick
Дацкевич Антон
Бибер Джастин
Симонова Мирослава
Jonas Lady
Gomez Selena
Данелия Элина
Gomez Selena
Волкова Юля
Степахин Алексей
Карпович Мирослава
Tatty Bear
Сиваева Анастасия
Gomez Selena
Пак Виктор
Кононова Наташа
Абрамов Тима
Bieber Roma
Мохитова Селя
Найт Стерлинг
Gomez Selena
Долматов Макс
Jonas Joe
Jonas Nick
Шелкович Станислав
Gomez Selena-Angel
Бибернутая Каришка
Lovato Demi
Dolmatova Polina
Долматова Наталья
Простенька Викуся
Cyrus Miley
Bieber Justin
Savelyev Archi
Disney Nickelodeon
Bieber Justin-Drew
Курагина Аня
Gomez* Selena*
Матвеева Ксюша
Swift Taylor
Мохитова Олечка
Долматов Андрей
Старкова Даша
Гришук Арсений
Bieber Justin
Gomez Selena
Хаменя Галина

Учебные заведения


4th Street Elementary School


Woodbury University
School of Business

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

есть друг

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

Selena Marie Gomez (Selena Marie Gomez) Date of Birth 22 July 1992 (18) Country USA 2. Biography of Selena Gomez - a real rising star in contemporary U.S. film industry. In adolescence, she has been not only numerous vivid roles in various dramas and Kin okartinah, but nation-wide recognition and love, and with them came the great popularity and fame. Undoubtedly, it has charisma, charm and enchantment, and another great talent that will enable it to play in the future large-scale characteristic of adult roles. Selena Gomez on the right was teen idol around the world. First love a young successful actress and her relationship with Taylor Lautner only added to her popularity, brought respect and admiration from members of all generations. In the near future Selena Gomez - recording a solo album. He esch e did not come out, but already promises to be very popular, as fans of the actress in the world now and then mention that Selena will buy CDs for one den 3.Biografiya and creative career of Selena Gomez (even in Russia it is called Selena Gomez) was born on 22 June 1992 . in the U.S.. So loudly Selena got th name in honor of Latino singer Selena Perez Kvintanilla. Selena's father - a Mexican American descent, his mother - an Italian American descent, she had a daughter very early - at age 16. Despite reigned sometime in the family love and mutual understanding when Selena just turned 5, my parents made the final decision to leave. At the same time, Selena Gomez made her debut in film in the series 'Barney and Friends' during the filming of which had met with her best friend Demi Lovato. However, despite successful th debut later Selene for the most part getting any small bit parts in such films as Spy Kids 3: Game Over '(2003),' Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire '(2005),« Brain Zapped »(2006). When Selena Gomez has been despaired of the possibility of self-assertion tsya as an actress, she was invited to his studio Disney, giving her a small role in his series entitled 'All type-top, or the Suite Life of Zack and Cody' (2005 to 2007.). Selena played brilliantly, showing his extraordinary acting ability. After that, all the same Disney Second Selena Gomez was appointed to the role of Mikayla in the popular series 'Hannah Montana' (2006 to 2009.). She brilliantly played by an opponent of the protagonist, is universally recognized, and Disney decided to open her own episode of Selena, a project called «Wizards of Waverly place» (2007). To date, Selena Gomez is one of the most successful and the top rising stars in Hollywood. She can easily play as a family comedy and melodrama, and executes the bright character roles in the adventure, fantasy films and action movies. If Selena does not shine on the screen, then engaged in dubbing roles in multf 4.Lichnaya

Мои интересы

Music and much more

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Любимые книги

No time

Любимая музыка

My Disney and all other celebrities

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